This blog is all about posting mostly of my travels, events, sort of DIY's and photo diaries.

Most of the times, I like to set a date that I will surely visit a place and will take pictures and of course the happenings. I love to travel anywhere and so I will share to you those places I had visited or will be visiting soon.

I often attend to events most especially in school. Because I'm still a student. In order for me to enjoy my college life, I must attend those events and will blog about it for you to know what are the events in our school.

DIY or the so-called ''Do It Yourself''. I always surf youtube for some new DIY's and will do it on my own and of course will share it to you guys. Hope you'll learn about it.

In here, I will be posting those past events, looks and happenings I have encountered.

Since I love visiting google, I decided to create a new page tab on my blog which I will entry tips and home remedies that I had searched on google. I want to share it with you too. 

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